Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hi, I'm Marcus Fletcher, high school educator and I'm here to talk to you about a problem that many students have. It's called N.B.S. or No Book bag Syndrome. Is N.B.S. a learning disability? Hell no, it's simply a bad habit of never having a book bag that contains books and or school supplies. It also includes never or rarely taking the book bag home in order to do homework. This bad habit is crippling the futures of many of our young people as well as our nation.

How does N.B.S. occur? Well, N.B.S. begins by not carrying books to class. It's enhanced by the absence of school supplies. This in turn increases the lack of any desire to take notes, participate in class or do homework.

How do you know if your child/children has/have N.B.S.? After three days (not weeks) of seeing your child come home without a book bag, turn on the television or play XBOX for hours and claim" I don't have any homework"... ask to see his or her book bag. Do you see any books? Open one of the books. Does it have that new book smell or feel stiff from not being opened? Then, your child may also suffer from U.B.S. or Unopened Book Syndrome. Fear not parents, with time and effort both syndromes can be cured. First call your child's teacher's and ask about the class. Next, monitor homework sessions. If you can't be home to do so, work out a system of checks with the teacher and have your child use a planner to record assignments. This way, your child's teacher can initial the dates with the assigned work.

With time, this routine will enforce the responsibility and study habits that he/she needs to be successful academically. Within three to four weeks eight out of ten students experienced an increase in quiz and test scores as well as an increase in overall grade point percentage (cases may vary based on the individual student). But know that your child does not have to suffer from N.B.S.. You can help. You can make a difference in your child's life. Please, go and ask to see your child's book bag now. Don't wait. Help us eradicate this crippling bad habit and increase your child's chances for educational success and self-esteem. They will thank you for it in the future.

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