Monday, August 9, 2010

Room 208

Welcome to Room 208.

Some of you have either read about my exploits in teaching on facebook or we've had a beer as I ranted or made fun of the days episodes. Well, finally this blog has been created so that I can get not only stories but my cartoons to a wider audience.

Room 208 is a strip about my daily activities and thoughts as an educator. Over the past 12-13 years, I've accumulated quite a bit of material with which to work. Hope fully these cartoons and occasional writings (new and old) provide some humor as you go through the day hearing your name being called for the thousandth time.

I'll try to post new cartoons every Monday Wednesday and Friday. The short essays/rants will be posted as they come to me.


Marcus Fletcher

It Time...

Yes, folks it's that time...

Summer is almost over. It's time to check that list of things that you were going to do over the summer:
1. Rebuilding the back deck.....
2. Painting the garage...
3. Drinking beer before noon and watching the World Cup...CHECK!

For many, it's time to start waking up early so that you're used to it by the first day of school. I've also noticed that kids don't move as fast during the first week of August as they do during the first week of June. The first week in June kids are moving so that they don't waste a second of doing nothing. Now they move like herds of animals going to a watering hole. Slowly moving because there isn't any rush to get there. School, like the watering hole ain't goin nowhere so, why rush? In June, teenagers where all over the streets, hangin' out. Now they're locked in their rooms completing summer assignments that they left until the last possible moment. My friend Neil works in a bookstore and he told me that some kids come in the day/ night before the first day of school to get the summer reading books!

For parents, it's like the Staples commercial states, "It's The Most Beautiful Time Of The Year...". I've seen parents visibly grinning as they lead their angels down the school supply aisle. They're also grinning because within a week their house will once again be just that... their house. It won't be the Rec center for your children and their always hungry friends. Every night won't be a potential slumber party because you can now hit with, "It's a school night". And after you clean the house, it'll stay that way until at least 4-5p.m.Well parents, congratulations! You survived another summer. So get on their and plan your "They're going back to school mimosa party" that you have as soon as they leave the house.

For many of my colleagues, it's time to go through those boxes of crap that you brought home (and tossed in the basement or closet) last summer and swear that you won't bring this much home this year. It's time for the planning and meetings about the last meeting in order to talk about the next meeting. The beginning of the year is also a time of hope and wondering. You wonder about your classes, the students and how much you'll be able to accomplish within the year. You try to guess which students will come back a little more mature and which ones you're going to want to choke. You wonder what the new students will be like, and how many names will you mispronounce and how long will it take you to pronounce it correctly? Your mind the drifts to the question, Is this the year these kids drive me nuts and I snap and end up on the news? If this question has never entered your mind, you're a saint or you're new to the game. But hey... hang in there. You get there too.

Have a great year folks! And when it gets tough just keep tellin' yourself, "I can't put my hands on the kids...I can't put my hands on the kids"

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